There are several types of Background Checks that can be done on people who have applied for jobs, such as Criminal Record Check, Credit Check, Previous Employer Check, Education Check and Driving Records Check. It is important for Business Owners to be cautious when employing. Carrying out Background Checks on them gives them Security against any future liabilities that can arise due to negligent hiring practices.

At Darubini we perform the Checks below:

1. Previous Employment
2. Academic Qualifications
3. Criminal Background
4. Identity and Address
5. Credit Reference
6. Character Reference

Academic Qualifications Checks The practice of conducting effective Education Background Verifications for Prospective Employees has exploded in the Workforce over the last decade. The need to hire the most qualified Candidates, and the inherent risk in hiring the wrong Candidates, has never been greater. The costs of not performing a proper Academic Qualifications Check can be costly for employers due to unqualified workers and Résumé Fraud.
Darubini can provide Academic Qualification Checks on all levels of education. We have developed a good and effective relationship with many renowned Colleges and Universities. Our Academic Qualification Checks save you time, energy and workforce.
Criminal Record Background Checks involve checking the past Criminal History to see if they have any prior Criminal History.
Driving Records Check should also be checked for drivers who are being considered for hiring in positions where they have to drive a vehicle. These records provide important information such as his Driving License Details, any accidents the driver may have been involved in, or if the individual has ever been caught for driving under the influence of hallucinogens.
Credit Checks are done on Candidates that are seeking employment in the Financial Sector. There are two types of Credit Checks – one is the Consumer Credit Reports and the other, being Investigative Consumer Credit Reports. An Analytical Credit Report consists of a written report as well as interviews with close people such as their neighbors and friends.
