Fraud Awareness

Fraud, or the use of deception to dishonestly acquire a personal gain, is a global problem affecting economies, businesses and individuals. Bribery, corruption, identity fraud, counterfeit goods and Ponzi schemes (pyramid schemes) are all examples of fraudulent activities. Fraud is a particularly serious threat to organizations and it’s on the rise.
Fraud awareness training is one of the main tenets of a fraud strategy. Educating staff in respect of what to look for and how fraud happens, empowers them to take the necessary action to mitigate the risk of it occurring or, when it does occur, address it in the correct wa
The primary purpose of fraud training is to assist in the prevention and control of fraud by raising the general level of awareness amongst all employees. A significant proportion of fraud and corruption is not identified at an early stage because of the inability of the organisation’s staff to recognise the warning signs, because they are unsure how to report their suspicions or they have a lack of confidence in the integrity of the reporting system or the investigation process.
Our tailored training course examines and explains the different types of fraud and the principles of fraud prevention, while defining fraud legislation and highlighting real-life cases and scenarios. An important aspect of the training is exploring how fraud is prevented and tackled within the workplace.
