For companies wishing to hire new employees or contractors, a pre-employment screening program can minimize risk of employee theft, misappropriation, criminal activity or violence in the work place. It can also minimize negligent hiring lawsuits.
Once the wrong employee has been hired, the cost and pain of terminating that employee could be considerable. This can often be avoided by pre-employment screening. Our reference interviews add depth to background screening reports by delivering verbatim reports of your candidates workplace performance, as described by their former supervisor or manager.
Our staff is experienced in handling sensitive and confidential information and understands the importance of fair and accurate reporting. Our mission is to help facilitate and automate the decision making process of employers and assure complete compliance with your set guidelines and requirements.
Darubini offers a full range of pre-employment and continuing-employment screening products and services and we are well-positioned to meet the varying employment needs of our corporate customers.
